Navy’s Leading Engineering Mechanic RP Saman Kumara Siriwardana receives certificate for his record setting walk of 586.1km

The Sri Lanka Navy’s Leading Engineering Mechanic RP Saman Kumara Siriwardana on 19th January 2024 set a new world record completing a challenging 586.1-kilometer walk. The epic walk spanned a total of 07 days, 11 hours, 17 minutes, and 14 seconds, encompassing the journey from Poonewa to the Independence Square, Colombo and back to Poonewa. The athlete received his certificate and the award in this regard at the Institute of Sports Medicine, Colombo on 18th May 2024.

Dr. Lal Ekanayake, Chief Representative of Serendib World Records Committee handed over the trophy and certificate regarding this world record to Leading Engineering Mechanic Siriwardana. A group of representatives from the Navy, Serendib World Records Committee and family members of the athlete were also present on the occasion.