Navy becomes champion in men’s archery at 12th Defence Services Games

The Archery Championship of the 12th Defence Services Games was held at the Army Ground, Panagoda on 17th and 18th January 2023. Exhibiting scintillating performances, the men’s team of the Navy emerged overall champions and the women’s team secured the runner up position in the tournament.

In men’s individual recurve, Leading Seaman RHHP Premarathna won a gold medal and Petty Officer WHKG Weerasinghe too won a gold medal in men's individual compound. Similarly, Petty Officer SSJ Semasinghe, Leading Seaman BMK Wijerathne and Leading Seaman RHHP Premarathna won gold medals for men’s team recurve.

In the same vein, Petty Officer WHKG Weerasinghe, Petty Officer SB Kapugedara and Leading Seaman HNNK Gunarathna won silver medals in men’s team compound.

Further, Woman Leading Seaman WS Harshani secured a silver medal for the Navy in women’s individual compound.

Overall the male and female archers of the Navy won the championship and runner up position respectively, bagging gold and silver medals in the Archery Championship at the 12th Defence Services Games.