Navy apprehends 08 persons for engaging in illegal fishing using commercial explosives

The Navy nabbed 08 persons for engaging in illegal fishing using commercial explosives, during separate operations conducted in the sea areas of Jinnapuram in Trincomalee and Karnatakerni in Mullaitivu on 17th September 2024. The operations also led to the seizure of 02 dinghies and unauthorized fishing equipment.

The Sri Lanka Navy remains vigilant and conducts operations to combat illegal fishing in its sea and coastal areas, with a view to supporting legal fishing practices.

In continuation of these efforts, SLNS Walagamba and SLNS Ranweli in the Eastern Naval Command intercepted 02 suspicious dinghies in the sea areas of Jinnapuram and Karnatakerni. During further search, naval personnel apprehended 08 persons aboard, for engaging in fishing using commercial explosives. As such, the suspects, along with the dinghies and unauthorized fishing equipment employed were held by the Navy.

The suspects held in these operations were identified as residents of Senthur, Mohonthuwaram, Madurankuliya and Negombo areas, from 17 to 45 years of age.

The 04 suspects together with the dinghy (01) held in Jinnapuram were handed over to the Kuchchaveli Fisheries Inspector, whereas the 04 suspects along with the dinghy (01) and fishing gear held in Karnatakerni were handed over to the Kokilai Police for onward legal action.