Navy apprehends 12 persons for engaging in illegal fishing

The Sri Lanka Navy apprehended 12 persons for engaging in illegal fishing, during separate operations conducted in the sea areas of Round Island, Trincomalee and Kaddaikadu, Kilinochchi on 17th April 2024. The individuals involved in light coarse fishing and fishing with unauthorized nets when the apprehensions were made. The operations also led to the seizure of 02 dinghies used for these illegal acts.

The Sri Lanka Navy is actively monitoring and taking action to prevent illegal fishing in its seas and coastal regions, aiming to promote and protect legal fishing practices.

Accordingly, Naval Dockyard in the Eastern Naval Command conducted a search operation in the sea area of Round Island, where a suspicious dinghy was spotted. After conducting further search of the dinghy, naval personnel apprehended 11 individuals who were involved in illegal fishing using unauthorized fishing nets. The dinghy used for this illegal activity was also taken into the naval custody.

Meanwhile, the Naval Deployment Veththalakerni in the Northern Naval Command also nabbed a person (01) for engaging in light coarse fishing, during a search carried out in Kaddaikadu sea area. The operation also resulted in the confiscation of a dinghy (01) used by the suspect.

The persons held in these operations were identified as residents of Kinniya and Mullian, from 21 to 54 years of age. The 11 persons held in the Round Island sea area were handed over to the Fisheries Inspector of Cod Bay for onward legal action. Meanwhile, the dinghy and unauthorized fishing gear have been kept in the naval custody, until further legal proceedings get underway.

In addition, the person along with the dinghy and fishing equipment, held in the Kaddaikadu sea area was handed over to the Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources - Jaffna for onward legal action.