A large consignment of narcotics and 343 persons engaged in illegal activities brought to justice as a result of naval operations in 2023

The Navy's operations in 2023 yielded impressive results, bringing to justice 343 persons, both local and foreign, involved in a wide array of illegal acts such as smuggling of narcotics, prescription drugs, and contraband as well as apprehending those involved in human smuggling.

The Sri Lanka Navy consistently carries out successful operations to address an assortment of illicit activities, including drug trafficking, within the ocean region.

The Navy has been collaborating closely with the Sri Lanka Police, Police Narcotic Bureau, State Intelligence Service, and Police STF, actively sharing information during anti-drug operations. In operations conducted in 2023, significant quantities of illicit substances were seized, including over 715kg of heroin, over 3711kg of Kerala cannabis, over 50kg of local cannabis, more than 140kg of hashish and more than 11kg of Crystal Methamphetamine (Ice). In addition, 92572 plants of local cannabis were also destroyed during these operations. Additionally, 187 individuals suspected of involvement in drug trafficking have been apprehended. Among them are 18 individuals with local fishing trawlers, 05 Iranian suspects with an Iranian dhow, 03 Pakistani suspects, and 06 Indian suspects operating with 02 Indian fishing trawlers. These apprehensions have led to the initiation of further legal proceedings against the suspects, upon their apprehension.

Also, the Navy has apprehended 08 suspects attempting to sell 191 bottles of foreign liquor as well as 41380 illegal cigarettes, 1016755 prescription drugs and 2642 ‘Madana Modaka' drug pills and 42 suspects in connection to those illegal acts. Moreover, 11 elephant pearls, over 14kg of gold made ready to be smuggled from the country with 11 suspects and 03 local trawlers were held as part of the naval operations in the year 2023.

The Navy also seized over 36910kg of smuggled Tendu leaves, over 878kg of tobacco powder, more than 990kg of turmeric, over 1267kg of cardamom, 4722 bottles and 12907 packets of agrochemical, 45418 cosmetic products and apprehended 60 suspects in the past year.

Preventive of human smuggling and illegal migration efforts, the Navy held 01 boat and 05 persons for their involvement in human smuggling. Additionally, the Navy has apprehended 01 boat and 09 individuals attempting illegal migration to India, as well as 02 boats and 07 individuals attempting illegal migration from India to Sri Lanka. Upon being held, they were handed over to authorities for further legal action.

Continuing the operations, the Sri Lanka Navy is determined to conduct its operations in year 2024 to thwart all forms of illegal activities stemming from the ocean, with a view to create safe and secure seas, under the able leadership of Commander of the Navy, Vice Admiral Priyantha Perera.