Navy apprehends 04 persons whilst transporting dried sea cucumber illegally

The Sri Lanka Navy apprehended 04 persons for illegally transporting dried sea cucumber, during a special operation conducted in Mannar seas in the wee hours of 16th December 2023. The operation also led to the seizure of 02 dinghies and over 808kg of dried sea cucumber.

The Navy carries out regular search operations and patrols in the coastal and sea areas around the island, with a view to preventing nefarious acts and the influx of illegal items into the country.

On 16th December, an Inshore Patrol Craft from the North Central Naval Command conducted a search operation in the Mannar sea area during the early hours. During this operation, two suspicious dinghies in the vicinity were identified and subjected to inspection. Accordingly, the Navy apprehended 04 individuals and seized two dinghies, along with a quantity of 808kg and 150g of dried sea cucumber discovered on board the two dinghies.

The suspects held in this operation are residents of Negombo and Kalpitiya, from 18 to 50 years of age. Meanwhile, the suspects along with the stock of dried sea cucumber and the dinghies were handed over to the Assistant Directorate of Fisheries – Mannar for onward legal action.