Navy apprehends 02 suspects with 2820 medicinal drugs in Silawathura

The Sri Lanka Navy apprehended 02 suspects with 2820 Pregabalin capsules, during a special search operation conducted with the Police near the Kallaru roadblock, Silawathura and in Achchanakulam area on 15th December 2023.

During a search carried out near the Kallaru roadblock on 15th December, SLNS Therapuththa in the Northwestern Naval Command and Division Crime Investigation Bureau Mannar arrested a person for possession of 120 Pregabalin capsules. After further interrogation of the suspect, another 2700 medicinal drugs were held from a house in Nanattan of Achchanakulam and 01 suspect in connection to the incident was also apprehended.

The apprehended individuals were identified as residents of Silawathura and Nanattan areas, aged 22 and 23. The suspects, together with medicinal drugs were handed over to the Silawathura Police for onward legal action.