Navy apprehends 07 persons for engaging in illegal fishing in Silawathura

The Navy apprehended 07 persons who engaged in illegal night diving in Silawathura sea area, during a search operation conducted in the wee hours of today (13th December 2023). The operation also led to the seizure of 02 dinghies, diving gear and about 874 illegally harvested sea cucumbers.

The Navy carries out regular operations in the coastal and sea areas around the island, with a view to prevent illegal fishing practices of a handful of individuals who disregard the sustainability of marine ecosystems by engaging in illegal practices.

In continuation of these efforts SLNS Therapuththa belonging to the Northwestern Naval Command carried out this operation off Silawathura in the wee hours of 13th December. During this operation, the Navy intercepted 02 suspicious dinghies in the sea areas and apprehended these 07 persons who had engaged in illegal night diving. In addition, naval personnel also held several diving gear and about 874 illegally harvested sea cucumbers.

The persons held in this operation are individuals aged between 22 and 48 years from Mannar. The 07 persons along with their belongings and sea cucumbers were handed over to the Fisheries Inspector of Silawathura for onward legal proceedings.