Navy apprehends suspect with about 288 kg of smuggled Tendu leaves in Kalpitiya

A search operation conducted by the Sri Lanka Navy in the beach area of Keerimundalam, Kalpitiya on 24th October 2023 led to the apprehension of a suspect with about 288 kg of smuggled Tendu leaves.

The operation was carried out by SLNS Vijaya in the Northwestern Naval Command in coordination with the Kalpitiya Police. The combined operation mounted in Keerimundalam beach area on the morning of 24th October, led to the recovery of this stock of Tendu leaves from a house, which was searched on suspicion. The smuggled Tendu leaves, weighing about 288 kg, were in 09 packages. The raiding party also nabbed a suspect in connection to the incident.

Meanwhile, the suspect held in this operation was identified as a resident of Kalpitiya, aged 48. The suspect together with the stock of Tendu leaves was handed over to the Kalpitiya Police for onward legal action.