Navy apprehends 12 persons for engaging in illegal fishing in eastern seas

The Navy apprehended 12 persons who engaged in illegal fishing practices, during a special operation conducted off Trincomalee in the dark hours of 03rd September 2023. The operation also led to the seizure of 02 dinghies and unauthorized fishing equipment used for the illegal acts.

The Navy carries out regular operations in the coastal and sea areas around the island, with a view to prevent illegal fishing practices which threaten the sustainability of fish stock. Accordingly, SLN Dockyard in the Eastern Naval Command mounted this search operation off Trincomalee on 03rd September, where those individuals were held on the charges of practicing light-coarse fishing and fishing with unauthorized nets. In addition, the Navy also apprehended 02 dinghies and unauthorized fishing equipment used for these illegal acts.

The individuals held in this operation are residents of Trincomalee, China Bay and Nilaveli areas, from 20 to 60 years of age. The 12 persons along with unauthorized fishing gear were handed over to the Fisheries Inspector in Cod Bay for onward legal proceedings. The 02 dinghies have been kept in the custody of the Navy until they are handed over to authorities for onward legal action.