Navy nabs 04 persons for engaging in illegal fishing in eastern seas

The Sri Lanka Navy apprehended 04 persons for engaging in illegal fishing, during a search operation conducted in the sea area of Madurankuda, Trincomalee on 02nd September 2023. The operation also led to the apprehension of a dinghy and unauthorized fishing gear used by the individuals.

To safeguard the marine ecosystem from the negative impacts of unlawful fishing practices, the Navy is carrying out continuous operations in the coastal and sea areas surrounding the island. In continuation of these efforts, SLNS Walagamba in the Eastern Naval Command apprehended 04 individuals who were engaging in illegal fishing with unauthorized nets in Madurankuda sea area on 02nd September. In addition the Navy also took into custody 01 dinghy and unauthorized fishing gear used by persons.

The persons held in this operation were identified as residents of Kuchchaveli and Poduwakattu areas, from 19 to 37 years of age. Those individuals along with the dinghy and fishing gear were handed over to the Kuchchaveli Fisheries Inspector for onward legal action.