Navy renders assistance to safely transfer ailing Indian national from eastern seas

The Sri Lanka Navy today (29th August 2023) brought ashore an Indian national who had suddenly fallen ill while aboard the Cruise Vessel MV Empress off the eastern coast of Sri Lanka. Upon being brought ashore he was rushed to the General Hospital, Trincomalee for medical attention.

MV Empress disseminated the distress message to the Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre (MRCC) Colombo, located at the Navy Headquarters and requested assistance to transfer the patient ashore for treatment. Responding to the urgent situation, the Navy directed the Fast Attack Craft P 491 attached to the Eastern Naval Command to the designated sea area to bring the patient ashore. After having retrieved the patient to the naval craft, it proceeded towards the Trincomalee Harbour while administering crucial first aid to the patient aboard. Subsequently, he was rushed to the General Hospital, Trincomalee for medical attention.

The Sri Lanka Navy continues to exemplify its dedication and unwavering commitment to safeguarding lives at sea, serving as a beacon of hope and security for seafarers and the fishing community.