Navy apprehends 02 suspects with 99kg of smuggled Kendu leaves in Puttalam Lagoon

A search operation conducted by the Sri Lanka Navy off the Mattathivu Island in Puttalam Lagoon in the dark hours of 21st August 2023 led to the apprehension of 02 suspects with about 99kg (wet weight) of smuggled Kendu leaves being smuggled by a dinghy.

The search operation was carried out by SLNS Vijaya in the Northwestern Naval Command off the Mattathivu Island in the dark hours of 21st August. During the operation, naval personnel spotted a dinghy speeding off towards the shore and searched the dinghy on suspicion. The search of the dinghy led to the recovery of 03 parcels which had been stuffed with Kendu leaves weighing about 99kg (wet weight). The Navy also held 02 suspects in connection to the act of smuggling.

The suspects held in this operation are residents of Kalpitiya and Puttalam, aged 23 and 25. The accused along with Kendu leaves and the dinghy were handed over to the Customs Preventive Office in Katunayake for onward legal action.