A suspect with commercial explosive sticks nabbed in Jayanagar, Trincomalee

Separate operations conducted by the Sri Lanka Navy in Jayanagar with the assistance of Kuchchaveli Police, and Poduwakattu sea area on 31st July and 03rd August 2023 led to the apprehension of a suspect as well as 05 commercial explosive sticks, 14 set-up charges and 17 non-electric detonators.

The use of explosives for fishing poses a serious threat to marine life and can cause long-lasting damage to the marine ecosystems. Thus, the Sri Lanka Navy has been conducting regular operations to crack down on fishing using explosives and other illegal fishing practices in the island waters.

As an extension of these efforts, SLNS Walagamba in the Eastern Naval Command carried out a coordinated operation with Kuchchaveli Police and searched a house in Jayanagar on suspicion on 31st July. During the search, they managed to recover 05 commercial explosive sticks, 03 set-up charges and 04 non-electric detonators from the house. Further, a suspect in connection to the incident was also nabbed during this search operation.

In the same vein, SLNS Walagamba mounted a search in the sea area of Poduwakattu on 03rd August and recovered a sealed bicycle tube containing explosives, concealed underwater. The tube was stuffed with 11 set-up charges and 13 non-electric detonators which were taken into the naval custody.

The suspect held on 31st July is a 43 year-old resident in Kuchchaveli area. The suspect together with commercial explosive items were handed over to the Kuchchaveli Police for onward legal action.

Meanwhile, the explosive items recovered on 03rd August has been kept in the safe custody of the Navy until they are handed over to authorities for onward action. It is believed that these commercial explosives have been secretly placed, so they can be used later for fishing illegally.