Navy brings ashore ill fisherman for medical attention

The Sri Lanka Navy on 01st August 2023 brought ashore an ill fisherman who had fallen ill while aboard a multiday fishing trawler. The fisherman was at sea, approximately 20 nautical miles (about 37km) southeast of Hambantota, as he was approached by the Navy.

The multiday fishing trawler named 'Warshan Putha 03’ (Reg. No. IMUL-A-0872 MTR) with five crew members on board had set sail from the Kalamatiya fisheries harbour on 30th July for fishing. However, as misfortune struck, one of the crew members fell seriously ill at sea, southeast of Sri Lanka. Meanwhile, the Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, alerted the Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre (MRCC) Colombo, located at the Navy Headquarters, about the developments.

Responding to the urgent situation, the Navy directed the Fast Attack Craft P 475 attached to the Southern Naval Command to the particular sea area to retrieve the patient. Accordingly, naval personnel braved rough seas and managed to transfer the ailing fisherman to the Fast Attack Craft. The naval craft then proceeded towards the Hambantota harbour and the Navy also administered crucial first aid to the patient aboard. Upon arrival in Hambantota on 01st August the patient was swiftly rushed to the District General Hospital, Hambantota for further treatment.

The Sri Lanka Navy continues to exemplify its dedication and unwavering commitment to safeguarding lives at sea, serving as a beacon of hope and security for seafarers and the fishing community.