The Navy rendered assistance to fix 04 inoperative sluice gates of Inginimitiya reservoir in Puttalam district on 28th May 2021.


Navy renders assistance to fix inoperative sluice gates of Inginimitiya reservoir

The Navy rendered assistance to fix 04 inoperative sluice gates of Inginimitiya reservoir in Puttalam district on 28th May 2021.

Due to a fault in the lifting mechanism of the sluice gates of the Inginimitiya reservoir, the distribution of drinking water as well as the supply of water to 6539 acres of land including 4600 acres of new land area for agricultural purposes during the Yala and Maha seasons has come to a standstill.. Responding to a request made by the Department of Irrigation from the Navy regarding possible assistance, a team of Navy divers attached to the Northwestern Naval Command was promptly sent off to the scene on 24th May, in order to restore the lifting mechanism to working order.

After 04 days of underwater operation, in testing weather condition, the Navy diving team managed to repair the sluice gates’ lifting cables which had been broken at the bottom. Owing to the prompt involvement of the Navy the lifting mechanism of 04 sluice gates was set right to the working order again on 28th May.

Furthermore, Sri Lanka Navy remains standby to provide its professional assistance in an event of any eventuality.