During a special operation conducted in Trincomalee on 21st May 2021, the Navy managed to nab a suspect with about 1kg and 790g of Kerala cannabis.


Navy assists apprehension of suspect with Kerala cannabis

During a special operation conducted in Trincomalee on 21st May 2021, the Navy managed to nab a suspect with about 1kg and 790g of Kerala cannabis.

The special operation led by the Eastern Naval Command and Police STF Sardhapura in Allasgarden area, Trincomalee, made way for the apprehension of this suspect along with about 1kg and 790g of Kerala cannabis hidden at a diving centre in the locality.

The operation was carried out adhering to COVID-19 protocols in place to arrest the transmission of the pandemic. The accused held during the operation was identified as a resident of Puliyankulam in Trincomalee, aged 52. The apprehended person along with Kerala cannabis was handed over to the Uppuweli Police for onward legal action.