Sri Lanka Navy in coordination with and Sri Lanka Ports Authority (SLPA) is working in full swing as of now (22nd May 2021) to contain the fire onboard the MV ‘X-PRESS PEARL’ which confronted this unfortunate turn of event while at anchorage off Colombo harbour on 20th May.


Related to the news release under the title ‘Navy assists dousing of fire onboard container ship at anchorage off Colombo harbour’ on 21st May 2021

Sri Lanka Navy in coordination with and Sri Lanka Ports Authority (SLPA) is working in full swing as of now (22nd May 2021) to contain the fire onboard the MV ‘X-PRESS PEARL’ which confronted this unfortunate turn of event while at anchorage off Colombo harbour on 20th May.

A special team comprising officials from Sri Lanka Navy, Ports Authority and Marine Environment Protection Authority reached the location of the fire-hit container ship on 21st May 2021 and monitored the situation further. Currently 03 Tugs from the SLPA are employed to reduce the heat in surrounding area of containers as flames being visible time to time on top of the containers above weather deck.

‍Further, Sri Lanka Naval Ship Sindurala and a Fast Attack Craft have been still deployed in the scene of action to assist the ongoing firefighting efforts. Meanwhile, the Navy also has made a Navy Tug ready for immediate deployment in the event of any emergency.