With a view to provide immediate relief to the people affected during flood emergencies, Sri Lanka Navy established a Rapid Response Rescue & Relief Unit (4RU) in the Rathnapura New Town on 11th May 2021.


Navy establishes Rapid Response Rescue & Relief Unit in Rathnapura

With a view to provide immediate relief to the people affected during flood emergencies, Sri Lanka Navy established a Rapid Response Rescue & Relief Unit (4RU) in the Rathnapura New Town on 11th May 2021.

The township of Rathnapura and the surrounding low-lying areas are prone to frequent floods due to the heavy rainfall received by catchment areas of Kalu Ganga which flows close the town area of Rathnapura. With the objective of carrying out prompt response and relief operations efficiently during flood situations in the area, Sri Lanka Navy established this 4RU in Rathnapura and a team of naval personnel attached to this unit has already been stationed there.

The establishment of this 4RU will provide Navy relief teams easy access to flood prone areas in and around Rathnapura. Further this move will enable the Navy to extend relief measures to the public at short notice, while managing flood emergencies in coordination with the Disaster Management Centre.