A special operation conducted by the Navy in Urumalai area, Talaimannar made way to the recovery of over 18kg of Kerala cannabis on 01st March 2021.


Navy assists recovery of over 18kg of Kerala cannabis in Urumalai

A special operation conducted by the Navy in Urumalai area, Talaimannar made way to the recovery of over 18kg of Kerala cannabis on 01st March 2021.

Sri Lanka Navy has been conducting regular operations in support of the mechanism put in place by the government to curb drug trafficking and other illegal activities. As an extension of these operations, the North Central Naval Command in coordination with the Talaimannar Police carried out this special operation in which 10 suspicious parcels were recovered from bushes in Urumalai area. The parcels had been stuffed with about 18kg and 505g of Kerala cannabis, in wet weight.

The operation was conducted adhering to COVID-19 prevention guidelines and the recovered narcotic substances were handed over to the Talaimannar Police for onward legal action. Meanwhile, further investigations are currently underway in search of the suspects involved in this incident.