A special search operation conducted by the Navy at Daluwa beach in Kalpitiya made way to seize over 800kg haul of smuggled dried turmeric on 12th November 2020. The Navy also took hold of 06 suspects in connection to this incident, during this operation.


Navy seizes over 800kg of smuggled dried turmeric haul in Kalpitiya

A special search operation conducted by the Navy at Daluwa beach in Kalpitiya made way to seize over 800kg haul of smuggled dried turmeric on 12th November 2020. The Navy also took hold of 06 suspects in connection to this incident, during this operation.

Accordingly, the Northwestern Naval Command was able to make this apprehension after searching 02 suspicious dinghies arrived at the Daluwa beach. The dinghies were loaded with over 800kg of dried turmeric stuffed in 32 gunny sacks. Meanwhile, 04 suspects who smuggled the consignment as well as 02 more individuals waiting at the beach to transfer the above dried turmeric stock by a cab were also held by the Navy.

The accused of this racketeering were identified as residents of Kalpitiya, from 19 to 43 years of age. Further, the apprehended individuals along with the seized turmeric stock, dinghies and cab were handed over to the Customs Preventive Office, Katunayake for onward legal action. The entire operation was carried out adhering to preventive measures stipulated for COVID – 19 pandemic.