Naval operations led to the seizure of an 818kg consignment of dried turmeric attempted to be smuggled into the island by sea and apprehension of 02 suspects, today 16th September 2020.


Navy foils smuggling attempt by apprehending suspects with 818kg of dried turmeric

Naval operations led to the seizure of an 818kg consignment of dried turmeric attempted to be smuggled into the island by sea and apprehension of 02 suspects, today 16th September 2020.

During a special operation, the North Central Naval Command managed to nab 02 suspects who were attempting to smuggle about 510kg of dried turmeric by a dinghy in the sea area north of Mannar. The consignment had been stuffed in 12 gunny sacks as they were recovered by naval personnel. Meanwhile, in another special operation conducted at Vankalai in Mannar, the Navy seized about 308kg of dried turmeric in 05 delivery sacks, left behind at the Vankalai beach.

The suspects held in connection to the racket were identified as residents of Palleimunai in Mannar, aged 26 and 37. Subsequently, they were handed over to the Public Health Inspector of Talaimannar for quarantine process. Meanwhile, the seized consignments of dried turmeric had been disinfected to comply with COVID -19 guidelines stipulated by health authorities and they will be handed over to the Jaffna Customs Office for onward investigation.