Navy renders assistance to distressed Indian fishing trawler in Sri Lankan waters

The Sri Lanka Navy and Coast Guard assisted an Indian fishing trawler that drifted into Sri Lankan waters near Kovilan Lighthouse, Jaffna, due to a mechanical failure. After inspecting the vessel on 22nd September 2024, repairs were carried out, and the trawler, along with its 05 crew members, was safely escorted up to IMBL on 23rd September 2024.

On 22nd September, the Northern Naval Command spotted a fishing trawler drifting in Sri Lankan waters off the Kovilan Lighthouse. Upon inspection by Coast Guard and Navy Fast Attack Craft from the Northern Naval Command, it was found that the trawler, carrying 05 persons, had drifted Sri Lankan waters due to a mechanical failure amid adverse weather conditions. The trawler, purchased from Kanniyakumari, was on its way to Visakhapatnam when it encountered the issue.

The Navy later towed the distressed trawler to Kankasanthurei harbour, after informing the Consulate General of India, Jaffna. Subsequently, repairs were made to its defective rudder shaft bearing by the Command Naval Engineering Department (North). Afterward, the trawler was safely escorted up to IMBL on 23rd September.

The Sri Lanka Navy and Coast Guard are continuously prepared to meet Sri Lanka's international commitments by offering aid to maritime and fishing communities and vessels in distress at sea.