Commander of the Navy pays obeisance to Mahanayake Thero of Amarapura Maha Nikaya
p class="text-justify"> The Commander of the Navy, Vice Admiral Kanchana Banagoda visited Balangoda Sri Dharmananda Viharaya and paid his obeisance to the Mahanayake Thero of Sri Lanka Amarapura Maha Nikaya, Most Ven. Karagoda Uyangoda Maithri Murthi Maha Nayaka Thero on 01 Feb 25.On this occasion the Most Venerable Mahanayaka Thero delivered a brief ‘Anushasana’ wishing strength for the successful execution of Navy’s future endeavours and invoked blessings on the Commander of the Navy and all naval personnel.
Accompanying the Navy Chief on this visit was Mrs. Anusha Banagoda, the President of Navy Seva Vanitha Unit.