Bangladesh National Defence College delegation visits Navy Headquarters

A 21-member delegation, comprising student officers from the Armed Forces War Course – 2024 of Bangladesh National Defence College, along with its directing staff, visited Navy Headquarters in Colombo today (18th September 2024). As part of this study tour, the Commandant of Bangladesh National Defence College, Lieutenant General Mohammad Shaheenul Haque, met with the Commander of the Navy, Vice Admiral Priyantha Perera.

During the subsequent meeting between Vice Admiral Priyantha Perera and Lieutenant General Mohammad Shaheenul Haque, they discussed various matters of mutual interest and exchanged mementoes as a gesture of goodwill.

The visiting delegation was also provided with a comprehensive briefing on the vital role and responsibilities performed by the Sri Lanka Navy.

Director General Operations, Rear Admiral Nishantha Peiris, Director General Training, Rear Admiral Buddhika Liyanagamage, Naval Assistant to the Commander of the Navy, Rear Admiral Kosala Warnakulasooriya and Defence Adviser at the Bangladesh High Commission in Colombo, Commodore Mohammad Moniruzzaman were also in attendance during this event.