Navy’s Military Working Dog Unit receives 02 Belgian Malinois puppies

Captain Erald Dharmarathna (Master Mariner) donated two Belgian Malinois puppies, along with essential equipment, to the Sri Lanka Navy's Military Working Dog (MWD) unit on 09th August 2024. This substantial contribution was formally received by Acting Commandant Naval Infantry, Commodore Sanath Pitigala, marking a significant enhancement in the operational capabilities of the Navy’s (MWD) unit.

Within the Navy's extensive range of operations, the Navy’s MWD unit plays a crucial role, particularly in executing specialized missions. The Belgian Malinois, famous for their intelligence, agility, and strong senses, is expected to bolster the Navy's (MWD) Unit with top-tier canine assets that are critical for various security and operational tasks.

In addition to the puppies, Captain Dharmarathna also donated a range of essential equipment, including high-quality dog food, vitamins, a microchip detector, and 05 dog cages. The total value of these items, including two puppies, exceeds Rs. one million.