Australian High Commission provides educational resources to Naval and Maritime Academy

In a gesture aimed at bolstering the educational resources of the Sri Lanka Navy, the Australian High Commission in Sri Lanka provided a collection of books to the Naval and Maritime Academy, Trincomalee. The event in this regard took place today (14th June 2024) at the Navy Headquarters, where the books were symbolically presented to Vice Admiral Priyantha Perera, the Commander of the Navy by Colonel Amanda Johnston, the Defence Advisor of Australian High Commission in Colombo.

The Naval and Maritime Academy, famously known as NMA, is the premier training establishment of the Sri Lanka Navy. The books are expected to enhance the learning experience for naval cadets and student officers at NMA, providing them with valuable resources to aid in their training and professional development.

Director General Training, Rear Admiral Buddhika Liyanagamage, Naval Assistant to the Commander of the Navy, Rear Admiral Kosala Warnakulasooriya and Commandant NMA, Commodore Rohan Joseph were also present on this occasion.