Boossa quarantine centre releases another 26 inmates completed quarantine process

Twenty six (26) more individuals who completed their quarantine period at the quarantine centre established at Boossa Naval Base, left for their homes on 08th, 10th and 11th April 2020.

The Sri Lankan inmates released on 03 separate days included groups of 07, 06 and 13 respectively. The Quarantine Certificate that authenticates the successful completion of quarantine process was handed over to them by Commanding Officer of SLNS Nipuna. Further, those who left the quarantine center, from 10 April 2020, were tested for COVID-19, through PCR tests.

Forty eight (48) people have left the Boossa quarantine centre till date, after completing the quarantine process. Meanwhile, 49 Sri Lankans, are currently undergoing their quarantine process at this quarantine centre.