Navy apprehends 28 persons for fishing using unauthorized nets

The Navy, during routine patrols in the eastern seas, held 28 persons engaged in illegal fishing, on 28th September 2019.

The Eastern Naval Command, during a patrol conducted in Upparu sea area, Trincomalee apprehended 09 persons who engaged in fishing with unauthorized fishing nets. The people have been identified as residents of Kinniya, from 21 to 60 years of age. Two (02) dinghies, 02 outboard motors and 01 unauthorized fishing net were also seized along with the suspects.

The apprehended persons together with their belongings were handed over to the Assistant Directorate of Fisheries of Trincomalee, through the Sri Lanka Coast Guard.

Meanwhile, the Eastern Naval Command also held 19 persons for using banned fishing nets for fishing activities, during a patrol conducted in the seas off Mulativu and Black Point. The apprehended persons are of 28 to 70 years of age, from Mulativu, Madurankuliya, Koddanthuduwa and Negombo. The Navy also seized 03 dinghies, 03 outboard motors and 03 banned fishing nets.

The 19 suspects along with their fishing gear were handed over to the Fisheries Inspector of Kuchchaweli for onward investigation.

The use of illegal means of fishing is damaging the marine resources on a scale and the Navy is constantly on the lookout for these illegal activities to safeguard the marine resources in island’s waters.