Navy holds fifteen persons engaged in illegal fishing

Fifteen (15) persons who engaged in illegal fishing using banned nets at Walalthottam area in Trincomalee, were apprehended by Navy on 22nd August 2019.

Accordingly, these suspects who engaged in illegal fishing using banned nets were apprehended by Eastern Naval Command, during a patrol conducted at Walalthottam area in Trincomalee. Navy also seized 03 dinghies, 03 banned nets and some fishing gears. Apprehended persons along with the dinghies, nets and other fishing gears are due to be handed over to the Assistant Director of Fisheries-Trincomalee.

Persons who attempted to engage in illegal fishing with unauthorized nets, were apprehended over the past few dayss and the Navy has succeed to minimize such illegal acts to preserve fish and other maritime resources for future generations.