Navy apprehends four persons for engaging in illegal fishing

Naval personnel nabbed four (04) persons for engaging in illegal fishing in the seas off Alampil, Mulativu on 05th August 2019.

A group of naval personnel attached to the Eastern Naval Command, during a routine patrol, held these 04 persons who engaged in fishing using electric lights. By further search, 3 fish which belongs to a rare species under the threat of extinction and even included into the red list, were also found among the fish caught by them.

The apprehended persons have been identified as residents of Pulmudai area. Along with the suspects 02 dinghies, 02 outboard motors (OBM), 04 LED blubs and other fishing gears were taken into naval custody. The suspects together with the seized dinghies, OBMs and fishing gears were handed over to the Assistant Directorate of Fisheries (ADF) in Mulativu for onward action.