Person held with 1689.6kg of beedi leaves
Naval personnel apprehended a suspect with 1689.6 kg of beedi leaves in the beach area of Oluthuduwai, Mannar on 26th June 2019.
Accordingly, a group of naval personnel attached to the North Central Naval Command found 14 parcels containing 646.7kg of beedi leaves, floating at sea off the Oluthuduwai beach area. During further search, the naval personnel also managed to apprehend a suspect with 33 parcels of beedi leaves weighing about 1042.9kg.
The apprehended person has been identified as a resident of Erukkulampiddi, aged 45. The suspect along with the stock of beedi leaves was handed over to the Jaffna Customs for onward investigation.
The Navy has seized about 18,000kg of beedi leaves thus far in year 2019 and will continue its operations with a firm commitment to ward off illegal activities of this nature.