Navy apprehends 14 persons engaged in fishing using unauthorized nets

Naval personnel apprehended 14 persons for engaging in illegal fishing in Kadakarechchenai, Trincomalee yesterday (13th May).

Accordingly, a group of naval personnel attached to the Eastern Naval Command, during routine patrol, apprehended 14 persons who engaged in fishing using unauthorized fishing nets in Kadakarechchenai area which has been restricted for fishing activities.

The apprehended persons have been identified as residents of Kinniya in Trincomalee, from 27 to 52 years of age. Along with the suspects 03 dinghies, 03 outboard motors (OBMs), 04 unauthorized fishing nets and 65kg of illegally caught fish were also seized.

The 14 suspects together with dinghies, OBMs, unauthorized nets, illegally caught fish and fishing gear were handed over to the Fisheries Inspector of Muthur for onward investigation.