Navy apprehends 02 persons for transporting illicit arrack

Naval personnel apprehended 02 persons who were transporting illicit arrack in the sea area of Uchchamunai yesterday (05th May)

A group of naval personnel on routine patrol aboard an Inshore Patrol Craft in the Northwestern Naval Command apprehended 02 persons who were transporting a stock of alcoholic drinks by means of a dinghy, without a permit. The arrest was made in the sea area of Uchchamunai, during which the naval personnel seized 33 bottles of liquor, 02 cans of beer and 05 litres of illicit arrack.

The 02 suspects are residents of Kalpitiya and Negombo areas, aged 25 and 47. The apprehended persons along with the dinghy and stock of liquor were handed over to the Kalpitiya Police for onward legal action.