Navy renders assistance to transfer a foreign patient ashore for treatment

On information received to the Maritime Rescue Coordinating Centre (MRCC) established at Naval Headquarters, Colombo about a sick mariner onboard a Libian merchant ship ‘ KM Weipa' , Sri Lanka Navy promptly rendered assistance to transfer the patient ashore for treatment, today (07th April).

Alerted by information given to MRCC at 2000 hrs yesterday (06th April) about a sick mariner aboard the merchant ship ‘ KM Weipa’ which was heading to Senthosha port in Singapore from Haldiya port India, a Fast Attack Craft attached to the Southern Naval Command was dispatched to the location of the ship to get the patient aboard naval craft.

Accordingly, the naval personnel reached the vessel in the seas about 42 nautical miles East of Sangamankanda Lighthouse and safely transferred the patient to the Hambanthota harbour premises at 0400 hrs in the morning today. Thereafter, he was admitted to the Hambanthota General hospital for medical treatment.