Navy apprehends four (04) Nigerians attempted an illegal emigration
Naval personnel attached to a Coastal Patrol Vessel (CPV) belonging to the North Central Naval Command, during their patrol to curb illegal smuggling attempts in the territorial waters of the island, apprehended 04 Nigerian persons and 02 Sri Lankan nationals onboard a suspicious trawler plying in the Northern seas of Sri Lanka yesterday ( 31st March).
The CPV on patrol had spotted the suspicious trawler in the seas about 12 nautical miles North of Thalaimannar lighthouse and accordingly, in the search of it, naval personnel were able to hold 04 illegal Nigerian emigrants with 02 Sri Lankans aboard who were heading to India.
Subsequently, the suspects were brought to SLNS Thammannar and administered them with first aid and other medical treatment. During the basic inquiry it was revealed that these Nigerians are in the ages of 26,27, 32 and 42 while 02 Sri Lankans are residents of Pesalai area in Mannar aged 20 and 23. These apprehended persons along with the trawler were handed over to Thalaimannar Police, for further investigation.
Since the continuous Naval patrol out at sea and along the coastal line as well, illegal activities including immigration and emigration attempts of this nature could have been restrained.