Navy apprehends 8 persons for various illegal activities

During past few days, Sri Lanka Navy apprehended 8 persons who engaged in illegal fishing and kept drugs in their possession, at different locations in the island.

Accordingly, on information received by the Navy, Naval personnel attached to the Western Naval Command in collaboration with officials of Criminal Investigation Bureau of Fort Police, nabbed a person who possessed 100 g dust drug (Ecstasy) in Kochchikade area on last 19th February. The person, a resident of Elavalai area, was transferring this drug for sale. Apprehended person and the drugs were handed over to Fort Police for further legal action.

Meanwhile, during a raid carried out in Boralasgamuwa area by naval personnel attached to Western Naval Command with the assistance of STF- Gonahena, a person was apprehended for possessing 2 g and 360 mg of heroin. 46 years old person who is a resident of the same area and the cache of heroin were handed over to Boralasgamuwa Police for legal action.

On last 21 February, two persons who engaged in illegal fishing practices using banned nets in Mulativu sea area, were apprehended by the naval personnel attached to Eastern Naval Command with the assistance of Mulativu Police and Officials of Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources. Apprehended persons along with 7 dinghies and 97 banned nets were handed over to Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources-Mulativu, for onward legal action.

Naval personnel attached to North Western Naval Command nabbed four persons while engaging in illegal fishing with banned nets in Sinnapadu sea area on 23rd February. Navy apprehended a dinghy and a banned net used by them and the persons with fishing gears were handed over to Assistant Director of Fisheries-Puttalam for onward action.