Navy renders assistance to transfer dead body of Turkish national ashore

Sri Lanka Navy rendered assistance to transfer a dead body of a Turkish national ashore yesterday (02 October 2017) from a merchant vessel. The deceased person had been onboard gas carrier MV ‘Gascut’ which was en route to India from Iran.

The person deceased who was an electrician onboard ship has been identified as DelilArslan aged 24. Upon receiving the distress call from the merchant vessel, Sri Lanka Navy swiftly dispatched its Fast Attack Craft P 490 to the location.

It is suspected that the person was electrocuted onboard ‘Gascut’ and succumbed to shock injuries. The Navy transferred the dead body in the seas about 20 nautical miles off the Hambantota harbour. Upon bringing the dead body to the Hambantotaharbor, it was rushed to the Hambantota General Hospital for onward action.