Trinity honours Commander of the Navy

The Trinity College of Kandy honoured one of its distinguished old boys, Vice Admiral Travis Sinniah, the Commander of the Sri Lanka Navy, awarding him the “Trinity Prize” at a colourful function held at the college main hall yester day (09September 2017).

Fourteen other distinguished old Trinitians who had excelled in their respective professions were also presented with awards at the Night of the Lions organized by the Trinity College Old Boys Association to coincide with their 125th anniversary celebrations.

The award ceremony commenced with the award winners being ushered in a colourful procession led by the college drum and dance troupe. After the lighting of the traditional oil lamp, a moment of silence was observed in respect of the Trinitians who had passed away. It was followed by the singing of the college anthem. Thereafter, a prayer was made by the College Chaplain prior to the addresses made by the President of the OBA and the Principal of the Trinity College welcoming the distinguished invitees and elaborating the event’s significance. Intermissions saw the college cadet band in action as well as the college hymn being sung, lifting the spirits of all that were present. The colourful ceremony held in accordance with decorum befitting the occasion concluded with a spectacular performance made by the Kandyan Drum Orchestra.

The Commander of the Navy in his award acceptance speech stated that it had been 37 years since he had last got on to the stage to receive an award. As such, he was truly humbled and honoured on being selected to receive the prestigious ‘Trinity Prize’. He also went on to add that it was a great privilege to stand side by side with those distinguished Trinitians whom he had admired and respected and who have brought much credit to the school as well as served the nation to the best of their ability. He stood before the distinguished gathering as the 21st Commander of the Sri Lanka Navy having completed 35 years in its glorious service. His journey in the Navy has been long and arduous and was certainly not ‘Smooth sailing’, but all the battles were faced with the vigour and courage thanks to his upbringing in this hollowed portals of Trinity, Vice Admiral Sinniah stated. He also expressed his whole-hearted gratitude to the President, the Executive Committee and the old boys for the great honour bestowed on him.