Three more Reverse Osmosis plants declared open

The Sri Lanka Navy has been implementing a wide range of community service projects under the able leadership of the Commander of the Navy, Vice Admiral Ravindra Wijegunaratne. The installation of Reverse Osmosis (RO) plants in areas prone to kidney disease is one of the many such noble projects undertaken by the Sri Lanka Navy. Following this noble cause, three more RO plants installed at Thuruwila Vidyalaya, Anuradhapura, Thambuththegama Central College and Alagalla in Vavuniya were declared open today (27).

As a result, 345 families at Alagalla Village, 480 school children of Thuruwila Vidyalaya and 680 families in the region and 1,870 school children of Thambuththegama Central College together with 620 families in the area are now blessed with safe drinking water.

The financial allocation for the RO facilities at Alagalla Village, Thuruwila Vidyalaya and Thambuththegama Central College was respectively made by the Presidential Task Force on Prevention of Chronic Kidney Disease, Sri Lanka Navy and Firefly Mission (FFM) of Singapore.

With the financial allocation made by the Presidential Task Force on Prevention of Chronic Kidney Disease, the Sri Lanka Navy continued to set up a number of RO systems throughout the country in year 2016. From the said allocation, the Navy has been able to save a whopping amount of money, Rs 30 million as a result of their efficiency and effectiveness. Utilizing those savings the Research and Development Unit of the Navy produced several solar powered Reverse Osmosis plants and six of which were recently installed at Hambegamuwa. Apart from that, the Navy plans to install 30 more solar powered Reverse Osmosis plants across the country while continuing this noble project.

Consequently, the Navy has successfully installed a total of 194 RO facilities across the country to date, facilitating over 92,291 families and 72,550 school children with safe drinking water.