Community development CSR projects underway in parallel with Pacific Partnership 2017

A series of community development and social responsibility programmes are being carried out as of now, in parallel with Pacific Partnership 2017. As a consequence of that, several programmes of this initiative got off the ground today (10), centred in the Southern Province.

Accordingly, US Naval personnel in collaboration with the Sri Lanka Navy conducted an eye clinic and a training programme on first aid at the General Hospital, Hambantota. This programme was also attended by a group of nurses from the Hambantota General Hospital.

In similar vein, an awareness programme on Combat Medicine and related activities were held at the Hambantota Police. The programme was worked out by US Naval personnel and it was attended by the SBS personnel of the Sri Lanka Navy together with Police personnel from the Hambantota Police.

Meanwhile, construction work for a complete toilet facility for the benefit of the children of Gunananda Preschool Hambantota, commenced today. The teachers, parents of the children and people in the area extended their sense of gratitude for the navies of both countries for fulfilling a long felt need of the preschool.

Initiating yet another programme, the American Naval Personnel conducted an awareness programme and comprehensive presentation on engineering science at the Central Engineering Consultancy Bureau (CECB) in Karapitiya, Galle. Twenty civil engineers from CECB and 4 officers from the Sri Lanka Navy took part in this event.

US Naval personnel in collaboration with the Sri Lanka Navy conducted an eye clinic and a training programme











Awareness programme on Combat Medicine and related activities











Construction work for a complete toilet facility for the benefit of the children of Gunananda Preschool Hambantota











Awareness programme and comprehensive presentation on engineering science at the Central Engineering Consultancy Bureau (CECB) in Karapitiya, Galle