Commander of the Navy bestows the recuperation centre on the Maha Sangha

The Commander of the Navy, Vice Admiral Ravindra Wijegunaratne bestowed the newly constructed recuperation centre at the Makuluwa Sri Buddhasinharamaya on the Maha Sangha on 14th February 2016 at the invitation of the Deputy Adhikarana Sanga Nayake of Dakshina Lanka and Chief Incumbent of the temple, the Most Venerable Dr. Keradewala Punnarathana Thera.

The Commander Southern Naval Area, Rear Admiral Jagath Ranasinghe and a large number of devotees were also present to take part in the meritorious act carried out with the generous donations of the residents and the well-wishers in the area for the benefit of the Buddhist monks, who are recovering from ailments and prolonged illnesses.