Lieutenant Commander Ruwan Premaweera presents first copy of his book to the Navy Commander

The first copy of the book titled “Gonapura Asiriya, ”a research book on historical places in the district of Trincomalee, written by Lieutenant Commander Ruwan Premaweera, was presented to the Commander of the Navy, Vice Admiral Ravindra Wijegunaratne at the Navy Headquarters in Colombo on 14th August 2015.

The commander appreciated his dedication and commitment in publishing a research book which is full of rare information associated with legends about the places of interest in the district of Trincomalee. Further, the commander assured his assistance for more publications and insisted the importance of inculcating the skill of writing of the personnel in the Sri Lanka Navy.

LCdr Premaweera, a graduate from the University of Jayawardanapura, has written a novel titled “Devindi” and a short story book named “Punarjeewa”. In addition he is the author of two research books titled Sirilaka Muthu Pawra” and “Coastal Veddahs of Sri Lanka.”